Siri, Google Assistant, Alexa .. they have many names, I just did a tiktok under 3 minutes recreating one of these basic voice assistants, ofc I resulted to using Microsoft Speech Synthesis and Speech Recognizer which is a big no, no in production.. you can get one from Azure, Google Cloud easily .. Mozilla has some goodies as well with DeepSpeech .. but due to an extreme deadline I went the simple route.

The gist below contain all the code required to create a basic voice assistant in C# I recommend watching the tiktok to better understand the code line by line and then pick it apart and make it better.

The cause for the tiktok is that I am making an Assistant from scratch, and wanted to bring some idea how AI works. but I cant show my current work, and due to it taking a long time, because I am doing everything from scratch, such as the NLP library, the Neural Network Algorithms (Linear Chained CRF, LSTM’s, Logistic Regression and so on) with Spectrogram Analysis and Deep Neural Intent modelling, progress is slow. So a basic representation of what a AI Voice Assistant does in the background on a extreme high level was just posted to tiktok as a entertainment for you guys, who knows, maybe someone learned something about Voice Assistants.

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