I’ve had a blog in the past, or a few actually. but i’ve never really had anything to share… or well, i’ve had a lot to share but never really kept up with the blog. So it would eventually just die out after i failed to post anything for a years at a time. I’ve decided to change that, after a number of porjects that i’ve been working on actually require some outreach and communication. Additionally because i also want to log these adventures. Maybe from the point when i was a young software developer, the need to report everything seemed silly, why would a 15 year old’s idiots technological ideas need to be written down, when reflecting back on those days, yes, i did consider myself as a genious, a prodogy if you will. that being said, i can with absolute sertainty say he was an idiot. no question..

But after having travelled the world and worked as a software engineer & architect. within the fields of software solutions for Oil & Energy, Insurance, Clothing, Travel, Medical, Sales, AI, Game Development, Network Infrastructure and big data processing, NLP, Parser and Compiler generation, OS Design and Implementation, Penetration testing .. and the list goes on. Maybe .. just maybe it was time to start reflecting on the lessons learned and start putting new knowledge back out there. and yeah, i’m aware of how presumtious that sounds.

I am not a perfectionist when it comes to certain areas, but within other areas i can be obnoxiously perfectionistic. As you read this you might come across a fair few typo’s and im fine with that. When speeding thru the keyboard in your attempt to converse something. if there is no grammatical check as a parser (programming) i find it .. pointless to double back, ofc at times if i keep writing the same word wrong over and over again it might be because i cant spell that word, but hey, English is my third language, even tho’ i claim it to be my most proficiant.. might be word blind, lol, imagine using that as an excuse as you’ve entered your 30’s..

Anyways im going on a rant. basically .. im saying welcome. and i hope my programming and nerdy adventures (might through in a rant or a personal article here and there.) will find you guys well..

Thanks for coming to my TED talked.